Repéré par / Spotted by Valérie:
All the instructions to make this card can be found on Bibiana's Blog HERE
Les instructions pour créer cette carte sont sur le Blog de Bibiana ICI
Repéré par / Spotted by Valérie:
Mike Turner is the newest member of the Art 'n Soul team, we spotted him on the Bella Carta Art 'n Soul Blog HERE
Mike Turner est le plus récent member de l'équipe Art 'n Soul, nous l'avons repéré sur le Blog Bella Carta Art 'n Soul ICI
Repéré par / Spotted by Ellie:
I found this on the Stamping is magic website from Gery.
J'ai trouvé cette carte sur le site Stamping is magic par Gery.
Repéré par / Spotted by Ellie:
Miranda Degenaars
Repéré par / Spotted by Valérie:
C'est la deuxième fois que Sylvia fait chaviré nos coeur avec ses créations, allez visiter son blog
This is the second time we are won over by Sylvia's creations don't miss her bloghttp://sylvia-syllie.blogspot.nl/
Voici des bannières Magenta que vous pouvez utilisez si vous le désirez:
Here's some Magenta banners that you can use if you wish:

Congrats to all!!
I am very suprised and also honoured to see my card and name mentioned here in this place.
Thank you for this Magenta and Ellie.
I had such fun in creating this card with this beautiful stamp.
Good to see that the spotlight is also on Miranda, because I simply love her dreamy and beautifil artwork.
Groetjes Gery
Oh, oh, something went wrong!!!
Just wanted to say thanks to Cindy C. for her congratulations.
I just saw the news that I won again a Win Our Hearts banner!! Thank you, I appreciate it very much.
Better late than never LOL but I just heard this! Thanks and it's a joy to work with the Magenta stamps! Miranda
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