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IMPORTANT NOTICE / MESSAGE IMPORTANT - TO ORDER please send us a message to Enter the code of the stamps you want to obtain (if necessary consult the Catalogs section) specifying whether you want a wooden or cling frame, your shipping address and phone number (optional) and if you have questions we will answer them. Thank you for your collaboration.

POUR COMMANDER svp nous faire parvenir un message à Inscrivez-y le code des étampes que vous désirez obtenir (au besoin consultez la section Catalogues) en spécifiant si vous désirez une monture en bois ou en cling (repositionnable), votre adresse et numéro de téléphone (facultatif) et si vous avez des questions nous y répondrons. Merci de votre collaboration.

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Mira'cle Art with Miranda - Art Mira'cle avec Miranda

Hi there,

Miranda here with the last post of this year. 2020 was a very strange year.........everything changed starting  March with the crisis. No physical workshops were possible any more so I have started some online. It is strange talking to just a device and not being able to see people crafting........
So I miss the physical contact and yes, I know together with a lot of people who are struggling even more......

So I can only say, I will and must focus on the positive and just be the change I want to see in the world.

Now on to the crafty part of this post. You have already seen one of these wintery scenes in the Christmas post (25th) of the team. So now I will add another one and showing the stamps I have used and tell you about the technique.

It was a while ago since I have made some landscape scenes using a blending technique with some masks.

Here you can see both cards together, similar Distress Oxide colors (shaded lilac-tumbled glass-weathered wood-speckled egg-iced spruce and squeezed lemonade and scattered straw)

This is the card in the Christmas post(25th)
I have used tape to mask the borders and started blending using a self made mask of a circle. In this card I have used squeezed lemonade for the halo. Then I have used shaded Lilac started above, Tumbled Glass did follow and then Speckled Egg. With some Weathered wood I did blend the corners and edges.

Then I used the masks creating the hills. This is a set of 10 different masks which is great for scenery with hills and mountains.

Then I have stamped the pine trees using Memento inks.(Northern pine and Teal zeal/Nautical blue)
At last I have stamped the deer families using Memento London Fog and Memento Espresso truffle and the beautiful text.

Onto number two.......this one has a softer feel about it......I think.....
Same procedure with the blending but here I have used Scattered Straw for the halo and did some blending with a bit of Weathered wood in the sky to create some cloud fragments.
Here I have used just one tree stamp and another sentiment.

On both cards I did some splattering using white acrylic ink to create a snowy scene. I really miss the snow in our winters!

Hope you did like my winter scenes!

Well, all that remains for me to say is have a happy and safe ending of this year and a good and hopefully healthy start of the new year!
And of course.....stay creative because Art is the only way to run away without leaving home!

See you in 2021.....

Miranda - DT Magenta


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Christine Alexander said...

Beautiful winter scenes Miranda :)

creatingincolors said...

What beautiful, peaceful scenes.

Etty de Graaf said...

Wow Miranda zooo mooi. Onvoorstelbaar 💥

Ingrid said...

Beautiful creations Miranda!

Riet Harikini said...

Hi Miranda, what a beautiful creations. So soft and lovely, great job.