Notice Re: Boutique/Store Website

IMPORTANT NOTICE / MESSAGE IMPORTANT - TO ORDER please send us a message to Enter the code of the stamps you want to obtain (if necessary consult the Catalogs section) specifying whether you want a wooden or cling frame, your shipping address and phone number (optional) and if you have questions we will answer them. Thank you for your collaboration.

POUR COMMANDER svp nous faire parvenir un message à Inscrivez-y le code des étampes que vous désirez obtenir (au besoin consultez la section Catalogues) en spécifiant si vous désirez une monture en bois ou en cling (repositionnable), votre adresse et numéro de téléphone (facultatif) et si vous avez des questions nous y répondrons. Merci de votre collaboration.

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Treats on Tuesday with Christine - La gâterie du mardi avec Christine

Hi everyone, I have a card which I brayered ink on a gelli plate, then stamped the images directly on the gelli plate before pulling the print.

I used both ColorBox and Elements dye ink, brayering each colour over the 4 inch Circle Gelli plate. The inks are water based so sit on the surface. I then inked the Thistle and Flying Geese stamps with Versafine Clair Shady Lane and Nocturn. When stamping on a Gelli plate press the inked stamp firmly taking care not to slide over the surface, and not to press too hard so as to touch the edges of the stamps and cause shadowing. The moon was created by using a circle mask and blending ink around it. I masked the outside of the circle when I created the moon and when I stamped the images.

To give the Gelli plate image a little depth I used my black chalk pencil and shaded one side of the outer edge of the circle blending out the colour at the edges.

Christine Alexander - DT Magenta


Produits Magenta utilisés:
Magenta products used:

Thistle 0721-K

Flying Geese 0795-K


Loll said...

This is so beautiful, Christine. I LOVE the colours you've brayered for your lovely sunset. The stamping looks fabulous over the brayering and I love the depth you got from shading your moon and the large circle.

Bonnie said...

Awesome gel print! I love how the moon glows!

Nstiz said...

Love the shadows you created on this. How imaginative this is and love the color blending of the brayer. This is brilliant, Christine. Great card!